Hey there, go-getters!

Let’s cut to the chase: You’re fucking brilliant at your job, but when it comes to just chilling out?

Not so much! It’s a paradox.

As a mental health therapist and business coach, I’ve seen my fair share of powerful entrepreneurial women who can run a 6-figure project but can’t sit still for five minutes.

So, here’s the real talk on how to relax when you’re the type who thinks relaxing is for the weak.


If you're the type who schedules every minute of the day and feels guilty for taking a breather, then these 9 techniques are tailored just for you, friend! They're designed to trick your overactive success-driven brain into relaxing, without feeling like you're wasting precious time.

Why Can’t I Just Fucking Relax?!?

You, as an ambitious woman entrepreneur, face a unique challenge when it comes to unwinding.

It is a struggle to find balance amidst your internal drive for success.

Here are some hard truths about why you can't fucking relax:

  • High Expectations & Perfectionism: Sounds familiar, huh? You set sky-high standards for yourself, constantly chasing perfection in every aspect of your life, be it business or personal.

  • Constant State of Alertness: You're always in this mode of strategizing and executing. This constant hustle makes it damn hard for you to switch off and take a breather.

  • Downtime = Guilt: Let's be real, you often see relaxation as unproductive, even lazy, right? This leads to feeling guilty whenever you try to take a much-needed break.

hummingbird flying over anxious yellow
  • Uncertainty and Societal Pressures: Your entrepreneurial journey is anything but predictable. And when you add societal expectations into the mix? It's a whole other level of pressure, especially when trying to juggle business with family and your personal life.

  • Relaxation — A Crucial Paradox: You know deep down that relaxing is essential for your mental and physical health. Yet, there's this voice inside you that sees it as a sign of weakness, conflicting with your 'always-on' work ethic.

  • The Need for Balance: This mindset, where you equate constant work with success, is actually what's blocking you from achieving a truly balanced life. It's what keeps you from unwinding and recharging the way you should.

a hummingbird who can't seem to relax just like you

9 Genius Ways to Chill Out

Cosmic Yoga

Picture this: you're doing yoga – in the vastness of space!

At night, engage in gentle yoga while envisioning yourself on the moon.

Imagine being surrounded by the mesmerizing vista of stars and planets, feeling the unique pull of lunar gravity on your limbs.

This out-of-this-world experience isn’t just a wild fantasy; it's a powerful way to connect with your inner self.

The backdrop of the cosmos offers a serene and almost magical environment, perfect for getting your zen on.

galaxy in space
little lamb socks

Mindful Socks

Now, this sounds a bit out there, but it's surprisingly effective.

Wear two completely different sock textures – maybe one's fuzzy, the other's smooth.

This simple act serves as a playful, yet potent reminder to stay present and grounded.

Beyond its mindfulness benefits, it’s also sure to spark some interesting conversations.

Plant Confidante

Here's an idea you might not have considered…

…talking to a plant.

It sounds quirky, but plants make excellent, non-judgmental listeners.

Sharing your frustrations and fears with a plant helps in expressing and processing emotions freely.

It’s a therapeutic practice that offers a safe space for emotional release.

plant waiting to listen to your problems
don't discount the quick pause

Peaceful Pauses

In the middle of a busy day, take a brief pause.

Just close your eyes for a minute or two and focus on your breathing.

This practice acts like a mental reset button, providing a quick but effective way to destress.

These short breaks are essential in training your brain to manage stress more efficiently.

Artistic Spontaneity

Carry a small notebook and a set of colorful pens for those spontaneous moments of creativity.

If drawing isn’t your thing, let loose with a little impromptu dance to your favorite song. Choose whatever form of art enlivens you.

This form of artistic expression is a mood lifter while allowing for a creative outlet without the pressure of perfection.

colored pencils scattered
beautiful sky with some clouds

Outdoor Time-Out

Dedicate a few minutes to simply being outdoors.

Whether it’s on a balcony, in a park, or just outside your office, the act of breathing in fresh air and connecting with nature can be incredibly grounding.

It offers a chance to gain a fresh perspective and unwind, even if it’s just for a short while.

Wise Words

Engage in a conversation with someone older and more experienced.

The wisdom and stories of someone who has lived a fuller life can provide comfort and a different viewpoint on your own challenges.

Whether it is grandma or someone new, their insights can offer a soothing and refreshing perspective.

grandma has seen some things
pets know how to relax

Snuggle Fest

Create a cozy nest with blankets and pillows on the floor.

Lie down and allow yourself to fully relax in this snug environment.

This simple act of self-comfort is surprisingly effective in releasing stress and creating a sense of peace.

Feel free to invite snuggle-friendly pets and partners.

Green Thumb Therapy

Take up plant care as a hobby.

Tending to plants is very therapeutic.

They require patience, nurture, and consistent care, mirroring the care we should often be giving ourselves.

If you’re new to this, start with a beginner-friendly plant.

Additionally, for pet owners, choosing pet-safe plants adds another layer of consideration and responsibility.

In nurturing a plant, you also nurture a part of yourself – a peaceful, caring side that thrives in tranquility.

collection of houseplants

Remember, relaxing isn’t a waste of time – it’s a must for keeping your mind sharp and your soul light.

You’ve got this, friends!

And if you're struggling to understand why relaxation feels like a distant dream and want to learn how to embrace it, reach out to me – together, we can unpack these challenges and find your path to true peace and balance.

Ok, now what are you waiting for? Go Relax!!


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