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Greetings, financial mavens!

Set aside those spreadsheets to explore an uncharted aspect of success—your body's untold wisdom.

As a mental health therapist and coach for advisors, I champion a novel strategy: syncing body and mind to elevate your business acumen.

We'll dive into how tuning into your physical responses can sharpen your professional edge, beyond the rigors of market analysis. Ditch the usual number-crunching today for a journey into self-awareness. It's time to harness your body's signals for a holistic approach to success.

Ready for this transformative shift? Let's begin.



In the world of Certified Financial Planners, intellect is your currency. Your days are spent in a mental marathon, darting from analysis to forecasting with impressive agility. Success in your field is a testament to the power of the mind, but there's an untapped resource that's been overlooked: your body's own intelligence.

glowing brain connection

Mind-Body Connection: Let’s Break It Down!

  • The Mind's Dominance: You excel in crunching numbers and formulating strategies. It's all headwork, all the time, and it's served you well. Success has been a handshake between you and your brain's analytical prowess.

  • Body Talk: But beneath the surface, your body is communicating. It's speaking a language of sensations and emotions—signals we often ignore or silence.

  • Cultural Conditioning: This isn't just a personal oversight. It's cultural. In a field that's all about the rational and the logical, tuning into your body's cues might seem, at best, unhelpful, and at worst, uncomfortable.

legos build a picture of your experience

information and data in list

However, what if these sensations—





—are not obstacles but information? 

Harnessing Bodily Wisdom. Your body's responses are a rich source of insight, a guiding compass that can inform your decisions and interactions.

Gathering Emotional Intelligence. Imagine integrating this inner knowledge with your financial expertise. This is where emotional intelligence meets financial acumen, creating a formidable duo in the financial sector.

The idea is not to replace your well-honed cognitive skills but to complement them. 

  • Potential of Synergy: By tuning into the physical experiences that accompany your mental processes, you're unlocking a new dimension of professional potential.

  • Transformative Insight: It's about leveraging every tool available—recognizing that your body's signals are as valuable as the latest market data.

Embracing the wisdom stored within you is an opportunity to evolve from a purely intellectual practitioner to an intuitively aware financial guide.

Your body isn't just along for the ride; it's a co-pilot, ready to contribute to your journey toward greater success and fulfillment in your advisory role.

But, Jennifer, How Do I Gather & Use This Information?

Unlocking the body-mind connection isn't just feel-good fluff—it's a strategy with concrete benefits for Certified Financial Planners. You can transform how you do business, engage with clients, embrace your professional role, and lead your life by incorporating the wisdom of the body into the intelligence of the mind. Here's how it can revolutionize your professional life:

steps going down into your soul
  • Stress Management: Imagine a world where market swings don't rattle you. Find your zen with work-life balance that keeps you steady, not stressed.

  • Client Connection: When you're in touch with your feelings, you can connect with clients on a deeper level. It's about trust and understanding that leads to loyalty and results.

  • Strategic Clarity: Say hello to laser-focused decision-making. A mind at ease is a strategic powerhouse, ready to take your business to the next level.

  • Personal Contentment: It's more than coping; it's about thriving. This approach infuses peace into your life, positively impacting your work and well-being.

  • Self-Awareness: With emotional insights, ride the financial tides with confidence. Knowing yourself means fewer stumbles and more grace under pressure.

  • Decisive Action: Clear the fog of indecision. With a calm mind, chart a confident course for your business, turning thoughtful plans into decisive action.

The Beginner’s Excursion to Your Inner World

Alright, savvy financial gurus, it's time to roll up your sleeves for a different kind of workout – one that'll make you as fit on the inside as you look in that killer suit.

Here's a little something to kickstart your journey to becoming a well-oiled machine, inside and out.

1. The Daily Pulse Check

Set a reminder on your phone or stick a post-it on your laptop – whatever works.

Take a hot minute each day, maybe between clients or after checking the markets, to just sit back and take stock.

Ask yourself, "What's the vibe today?"

Are you feeling antsy, pumped, or somewhere in between?

Acknowledge it, name it, and jot it down if you like.

ekg showing pulse

2. The Body Map

Once you've pinpointed that headliner emotion, it's time to play detective.

Take a deep breath and scan your body from head to toe.

Where's the tension hiding?

Maybe your neck's stiff from carrying the weight of those big decisions, or your fists are clenched tighter than a bear market.

Notice it, and imagine breathing into that space, loosening the grip just a tad.

using your experience like a map

3. The Feeling Sketch Pad

Now, whip out your mental paintbrush.

If this feeling had a color, what would you splash across the canvas?

Is it a stormy grey or a fiery red?

Give it a texture too.

Is it smooth like silk, prickly like a thorn, or something else?

What's the soundtrack of this emotion?

Scribble these details down to craft your personal emotion portrait.

sketch pad to your feelings

These simple drills are the foundation for your emotional fitness. Incorporate them into your daily routine, and watch how they start to change the game, not just in your head but in how you deal with everything in business and life.

And when you're ready to level up, we'll dive deeper to find those sweet spots of calm and clarity that'll be the secret weapon in your financial arsenal.

For now, give these exercises a try and let the gains add up!

this is like the equipment to your workout


Your body’s talking; it's time you start listening, with a little bit of that New York flair, capisce?

It’s not about shaking things up overnight. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Give it the good ol’ college try, and you'll see shifts that’ll make the earth move – deeper satisfaction, rock-solid decisions, and a business that feels like it’s running on rocket fuel.

So, you ready to stop hustling in silence and start making some noise?

To start giving yourself the full experience – the good, the bad, and the ugly?

Trust me, your future self (and your clients) will be celebrating your changes.

Now, go out there and start this inner dialogue like the boss you are. And when you’re ready to take it up a notch, I'm here ready to help you level up in a way that’s true to who you are – in business & beyond.

Keep it confident!


Smarter Planner Podcast: Outgrowing Clients with Belle Osvath, CFP