Coaching for Founders & Entrepreneurs


Embarking on the journey of entrepreneurship, you embraced the challenge with an open heart and an ambitious spirit.

You ventured into this realm with a vision, eager to carve out your own path and leave the constraints of traditional employment behind.

With a unique skill set and an innovative idea in your arsenal, you were set to make a mark on the world.

Being a founder excited you — the idea of creating and nurturing something from the ground up was your driving force.

You looked forward to the autonomy and the myriad of opportunities this new adventure would bring.

Yet, somewhere along the path, the weight of entrepreneurial pressures began to mount.

Self-doubt creeps in, clouding your judgment and making you question your every move and decision.

You find yourself accepting less-than-ideal partnerships or deals, driven by the fear of missing out on opportunities.

Your relationship with finances swings from a tight grip to a sense of losing control, never finding the right balance.

The vision for your business is clear, but the pursuit of flawless execution paralyzes you, leaving you static.

Praise from peers and clients fills the air, but internally, you wrestle with the fear of being unveiled as an impostor.

This internal battle against yourself is depleting, leading to a cycle of exhaustion and frustration.

You feel trapped.

A shadow of the entrepreneur you once knew yourself to be, you struggle to reconnect with that drive and confidence.

You want to feel unshakeable confidence in yourself and your abilities.

You seek to trust in your own decisions, to build certainty in your choices that stand strong against the tides of doubt.

You yearn to unleash your full potential, not merely reaching but exceeding the heights of your performance — authentically and with conviction.

You desire a life less cluttered by stress and anxiety, to inhale deeply and exhale peace, feeling ease with every breath.

You envision professional relationships that are deep and meaningful, where you are not just seen but understood and genuinely supported.

You aim to strike a harmonious chord between your professional life, personal life, and the essence of your individuality.

You are pursuing a healthier narrative around finances and success, reshaping your perspective into one of abundance and positivity.

You seek certainty in the prosperity and endurance of your enterprise, a foundation upon which you can build a lasting legacy.

You are ready to reclaim the passion, drive, and ambition that once defined you, rekindling the spark that initiated your entrepreneurial quest.

In coaching for founders and entrepreneurs… will cultivate a newfound conviction in your capabilities, solidifying the essence of your professional persona and the vitality of your enterprise. will delve into the depths of your career-induced pressures, excavating the origins of your unease and mastering a fresh approach to navigating the complexities of your professional and personal realms. will forge communication skills that are not only assertive but compassionate, enhancing your client interactions and enriching your journey as a professional and individual. will acquire strategic tools designed to dismantle the shadows of Imposter Syndrome, embracing your accomplishments with the celebration they deserve. will confront and rewrite the financial narratives that have held you in check, liberating you to pursue abundance and fiscal confidence. will gain lucid insight into your deepest professional desires, charting a course that illuminates the path ahead with precision and intent. will leverage emotional intelligence and the wisdom of your history to craft and achieve objectives that resonate with your personal ethos. will learn the power of authenticity, shedding external expectations to uncover and uphold the truest expression of yourself within your professional sphere and beyond.

therapist and business coach Jennifer Gray is ready to help you shine

 Coaching for founders and entrepreneurs is most effective when working with a business expert who understands the complexities of experience. Given the specialized nature of this coaching, you want to feel secure, open, and excited, which means having a coach that gets it at a deeper level.

I have developed my finance, accounting, and business background for over 20 years. While working in the field, I have provided consultation and insight to companies all over the country. In addition, I am dedicated to learning and growing through workshops, retreats, consultation, work and volunteer opportunities, meditation and body practices, supporting other professionals, and being an entrepreneur in several successful businesses myself. Combining this history with an extensive education in mental health continues to provide me with a unique and successful perspective.

Coaching for Founders & Entrepreneurs is intended for non-therapeutic purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for psychotherapy services.

Additional Benefits of Coaching for Founders and Entrepreneurs

  • Becoming more receptive to others (and their support)

  • Enhanced, richer, and more rewarding connections

  • Progressing from change to accomplishments

  • Increased inclination to honor your successes

  • Sharper clarity in your true identity

  • Alignment with values and a sense of purpose

  • Elevated tranquility, happiness, and satisfaction

  • Embracing self-care with confidence

  • Enhanced sleep quality and deeper relaxation

  • Improved dynamics in consumption habits

  • Firmer dedication to your health objectives

  • Greater self-kindness and acceptance

  • Amplified liberty to relish in your passions

  • Mindful presence in each moment

 How Coaching Works

how coaching works

The first step is to review the FAQs page to initially determine if we would be a good fit. My expectations are the same for coaching. You can also schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation below if you have additional questions about our potential fit. If we decide to meet, you will fill out required paperwork online before our first session.

how coaching works

During our first few sessions, we’ll

talk about what prompted you to seek coaching, how you have attempted to achieve your goals, and what you hope to accomplish together. We’ll briefly explore your history and journey to coaching in more detail. I will ask a lot of questions during this early stage, giving you space to share your story.

how coaching works

Together, typically by the third session, we’ll clearly identify what you want to achieve in coaching. We will then create a plan for success, focusing on making immediate adjustments and long-term changes, both personally and professionally. We’ll discuss potential roadblocks and the effective strategies to overcome them.

how coaching works

In our subsequent sessions, we will continue to work on the goals you created. If new problems arise, we will hold space for those problems, using them as real-time opportunities for growth. We will check in on your goals, as well as the health of our relationship, and make adjustments as necessary. You’ll be referred out for any non-coaching needs.


Partnership & Group Coaching

If you are interested in partnership or group coaching for you and your firm, please contact me directly HERE.

Partnership and Group coaching are tailored to your firm’s unique needs.